A project and exhibition exploring the experiences of individuals impacted by organ donation and transplantation.

Until Sunday 27 April
Visitor information
Free. No booking is required.
Hadrian's Wall gallery, ground floor.
Journeys is a project and exhibition that explores the experiences of individuals impacted by organ donation and transplantation, visualised through maps and objects.
The project, developed by the NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Unit in Organ Donation and Transplantation at Cambridge and Newcastle Universities and in collaboration with community publishers Foundation Press, invited participants to create maps to illustrate their unique journeys. In addition to the maps, participants selected objects that played significant roles in their experiences.
Real-life journeys can be incredibly challenging, especially when someone needs an organ transplant or when caring for someone who does. It's the same if someone becomes a living donor or starts a career in organ donation and transplantation research. We hope the experiences in this exhibition give you a new perspective on organ donation and transplantation, allowing you to consider what you would do in similar circumstances.